Celia Meikle, CPA, CA, LPA

Partner & Co-Founder
The opportunity to pursue your passion is not to be taken lightly. So I am forever grateful that I am able to explore the areas of accountancy that appealed to me the most – public accounting and teaching.
After graduating with a MSc in Accounting at the University of the West Indies, I knew I wanted to become an accountant, but was wary of the long professional exams to gain certification. So, marching to the beat of my own drum, in Jamaica, I did the US CPA exams instead of the UK exams which were the norm at the time, and became qualified to practice in Washington State. In my mind, I reasoned, that if I ever left Jamaica, it would most certainly be to the United States…. Well, guess where I ended up in 2001? In this beautiful country I am happy to call home… Canada. Shoulder to the wheel again, I obtained the Canadian CA designation in 2006, and 3 years later obtained a license to practice public accounting in Ontario – Licensed Public Accountant (LPA).
Prior to January 2013 when we started GMS, my professional experience was gained at PwC Jamaica, Bank of Nova Scotia in Jamaica, PwC Canada, BMO, TD and a boutique accounting firm in Burlington Canada. Currently, in addition to practicing at GMS, I am a Facilitator and marker for CPA Ontario, and a part time Professor at Seneca College.
Passionate about my faith, I am a follower of Christ and a proud member of Kingdom Life Ministries Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in Mississauga. I am married and have two wonderful sons, Daniel and Jonathan. I volunteer my time within my community, serving on scholarship interview panels, volunteer teaching of small business skills and Chairing the Annual Excellence Conference.
In my spare time, I enjoy mystery novels, especially by Mary Higgins-Clark and a new found love for hiking!